Boyfriend for Rent Read online

Page 9

  “I’m sorry,” Hunter said.

  “For what?” Casey was surprised. “He deserved it.”

  Hunter cracked a smile. “Yeah.”

  “And about what McDermott said, about what I used to...”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Hunter interrupted.


  “Everyone has a past. Doesn’t matter what you used to do. I know who you are.”

  Casey fell silent for a moment. He could let that set the tone, keep things warm and comfy between them, but he’d been debating asking this question for the past couple of miles and couldn’t ignore it. Not after everything that had just happened. He had to know. “I just have a question for you.”


  “We almost kissed. On the dance floor.”

  “That ain’t no question.” Hunter glanced at Casey.

  “Was that real, or am I way off base?”

  Hunter didn’t speak for several minutes, his eyes fixed on the road. Casey couldn’t read anything from the other man’s face. Finally, Hunter gave a one word response in the form of a question. “Why?”

  “Never mind.” Casey turned his eyes back to the road, too, and pretended he’d never asked. Pain cut through his heart, so much sharper than it had been when McDermott had ended things. He should have known better than to think that this was anything more than friendship, that Hunter had been doing anything more than playing his part. And he’d played it well. He’d half-convinced Casey that it had been real. It had all been wishful thinking on his part, reading into things that weren’t there. There was only one thing he could do now. “So, guess it’s time for me to move out.”

  “What? Why?” Hunter jerked the wheel, nearly driving them off the road.

  Casey barely noticed, too wrapped up in his pain. He picked at a non-existent thread on the hem of his t-shirt. He gave a flimsy excuse, his voice flat. “I mean, we’re done here, right? Reunion's over.” What else could he say? That he couldn’t stay because he was falling in love? That every time he saw Hunter, he wanted to touch him and kiss him? That it was too painful to be under the same roof and know that they would never be together?

  “I mean, if that’s what you want,” Hunter’s voice was carefully neutral. “‘Course, roof’s not fixed, and old Dollie would miss ya.”

  “She’ll get over it,” Casey answered. And Hunter would too. He’d meet some beautiful woman and forget all about the time he pretended to be gay to help out some poor kid upon whom he’d taken pity.

  “You know what?” Hunter’s voice grew harsh. “No. You’re not fucking going nowhere.” His tone shifted into something almost pleading. “Stay. Just stay.”

  Pop! Tss.

  “What the fuck was that?” Casey jerked his head up.

  “Blew a tire.”

  _________ o _________


  Stranded in the middle of nowhere, and the air between Hunter and Casey was as thick as ever, but they had bigger problems. Namely that they were stuck in the middle of nowhere and it was close to midnight. They were pulled off to the side of the road, trees all around them, a starry sky overhead, and absolutely no civilization in sight. If Casey was remembering correctly, this was a stretch of about eight miles of nothing but forest. And, of course, no streetlights, which meant the only light was from the moon.

  “We can call Triple A or something?” Casey suggested.

  “No reception,” Hunter said. “It’s not that chilly. Could go camping while I change the tire. If I can see good enough.”

  “Camping?” Casey said the word like he’d never heard it before.

  Hunter jerked his thumb towards the bed of the truck. “Back there. I got sleeping bags. Well…I have one sleeping bag. You can have it.”

  “Are you sure?” Casey asked. He couldn’t believe this was happening. They’d been at a point where a decision had to be made, and now they were back to their polite friend-talk, the moment lost. He didn’t think they’d ever get it back, and if they didn’t, he was going to have to leave. He couldn’t take being near Hunter any longer.

  Hunter climbed out of the truck and reached behind his seat, producing a thin, worn sleeping bag. “Yeah, I’m cool. Just get some rest and I’ll see what the damage is. If I can change it tonight, I will, but if I can’t, I’ll sleep in the cab and get us on the road in the morning. Shouldn’t take more than a couple minutes once the sun’s up.”

  Casey didn’t bother to argue. He didn’t have the energy. It was late and he was exhausted emotionally and physically. He climbed into the bed of the truck and unrolled the bag. He climbed into the roomy bag, squirming in an attempt to get comfortable. He didn’t think that was going to happen. The metal bed was full of dents and dips, not to mention the debris that had collected since the last time Hunter had cleaned it. And then, when Casey stopped moving, the chill of the night air started to seep through the thin material. He shivered, one shudder after another passing through him.

  “You all right?” Hunter asked.

  Casey started. He hadn’t heard Hunter coming over. “Fine,” Casey said, his teeth chattering. He didn’t want any more pity.

  Hunter hopped in the back of the truck and unzipped the sleeping bag.

  “What are you doing?” Casey asked, a sliver of panic going through him.

  “Getting you warm,” Hunter said, slipping behind him. He pulled the zipper up behind him, pushing their bodies tightly together.

  Fuck, Casey thought as his ass pressed against the front of Hunter’s jeans. This was not where he’d wanted this night to end up. He’d planned for he and Hunter to go back to the hotel, laugh and joke, then sleep so they could get on the road early. He’d hoped that maybe they’d end up closer. Then, after their dance, for a brief moment, he’d let himself think that it might be possible for this to be something else. He stared at the inside of Hunter’s truck as he agonized over asking Hunter about the almost-kiss. Every ridge, every crevice, every fleck of dirt, everything he could see and imagine in the moonlight.

  He wasn’t the only one not sleeping. He could feel Hunter’s chest against his back, could feel the other man breathing, even his heartbeat, neither of which were slow enough for Hunter to be sleeping. In fact, they seemed almost too fast. Casey wasn’t going to read anything into that. He’d learned his lesson. Hunter was just probably nervous, thinking that Casey was going to think this was some sort of flirting.

  Casey squeezed his eyes shut and tried to will himself to sleep. He just wanted to be somewhere else. Somewhere he wasn’t overly aware of the body behind him. Where he could have a good cry rather than thinking about the heat radiating off of Hunter, warming Casey in ways that were more than just physical.


  Casey almost didn’t hear the whisper.

  “What?” Casey kept his voice low. He didn’t understand what Hunter was saying.

  “Yes. I meant it.” There was a note of something in Hunter’s voice that Casey didn’t recognize. “I wanted to kiss you.”

  That was when it hit Casey what he was hearing. Hunter was scared. Big, strong Hunter, who’d threatened to beat McDermott before he’d even really known Casey. Hunter, who handled massive horses like they were nothing. Hunter, who’d let an entire ballroom full of people think he was gay just to help Casey. That same Hunter was terrified to say that one word.

  Casey rolled over so he was facing Hunter, the sleeping bag keeping them pressed together so closely that there was barely an inch between them. It was his turn to be the strong one. He looked up at Hunter and saw that the other man was looking away. Casey reached up and gently laid his hand on Hunter’s cheek. His heart fluttered.

  “It’s okay, Hunter.”

  “No,” Hunter shook his head. “It’s not.”

  "Oh." Casey dropped his hand and tried to put some distance between them. That’s what it was. Hunter was freaking out because he’d wanted to kiss Casey. “Don’t worry about it.” Casey could hear the ice in his
voice and hated himself for it, but better ice than pain. “You just got caught up in the moment, in the part you were playing. I get it. It’s not personal.” He started to roll back over so Hunter wouldn’t see his tears.

  “No, you don’t get it.” Hunter’s hand was suddenly under Casey’s chin, holding his head in place as Hunter propped himself up on one elbow. His expression was intense, his eyes blazing. “It is personal, Casey. It’s very personal. I didn’t get caught up in anything. I knew exactly who I was and where I was, who I was with.” His thumb brushed against Casey’s bottom lip and his eyes dropped to it for a moment, before returning. “It’s not okay, because I made such a big deal about you telling the truth and how much I hate lying, and I’ve been lying for I don’t even know how long.”

  Casey couldn’t breathe. He had to be dreaming. This couldn’t be real.

  “I’m not going to lie anymore,” Hunter said.

  He bent his head and Casey’s heart gave a wild leap as their mouths came together. Casey felt a moment of hesitation and steeled himself for Hunter to pull back, but then it vanished and Hunter’s lips were parting and his tongue was tracing the seam of Casey’s mouth.

  Heat flooded Casey’s body and he wrapped his arms around Hunter’s neck, pulling the other man down on top of him. Hunter was heavy, but Casey welcomed the weight. Their hands ran over each other, their touch obstructed by their clothes. Casey tugged at the hem of Hunter’s t-shirt. He needed to feel skin. He’d been wanting it too long. Even if nothing else happened between them, he wanted to touch Hunter.

  Hunter raised himself up enough so that they could look at each other. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this.”

  Casey stared at Hunter. Was he serious?

  “I mean,” Hunter looked slightly embarrassed. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to me for anything.”

  Casey reached up and ran his fingertip over Hunter’s cheekbone and then down the strong jaw line, feeling stubble rasp over his skin. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been dreaming about this?”

  The joy that lit up Hunter’s face made Casey’s stomach do a series of flips. The thought that he could make someone look that happy was almost too much. Then a shadow crossed Hunter’s eyes and Casey gave him a questioning look.

  “I’ve never done this before,” Hunter gestured. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Of course. Casey smiled softly. “We don’t have to do anything.”

  Hunter raised an eyebrow and pressed his crotch against Casey’s hip. Casey made a sound in the back of his throat as he felt Hunter’s cock, hard beneath his jeans. “Trust me. I want to do… everything.”

  If there had been any blood left anywhere else in Casey’s body, it went straight to his dick. It wasn’t just the words, it was the husky tone in which they’d been said. Casey reached down and tugged on his t-shirt. He shivered as the cool air hit his bare arms when he tossed his shirt out of the sleeping bag.

  “Then let me show you.” He picked up Hunter’s hand and put it on his chest.

  That one touch was enough to chase away the rest of the nerves. Hunter’s shirt joined Casey’s and their hands explored each other’s bodies. There wasn’t much room to move, but they did the best they could, letting their fingers trail over the muscles, tease at the already hard nipples. It was Hunter who dropped his hand first.

  His fingers brushed over the front of Casey’s jeans and Casey thought he was going to lose it right then. He scrambled out of his pants and underwear, laughing as Hunter tried to do the same and they got in each other’s way. Hunter joined in the laughter and the sound made Casey’s heart swell. This was what it was supposed to be like.

  Then they were both naked and the laughter faded into something more serious. Hunter looked down at Casey, his expression one of trust and desire. Casey could feel Hunter’s cock brush against his leg and knew that the other man was aching for release as badly as he himself was. No more foreplay. He needed Hunter inside him.

  He rolled onto his stomach, his cock pressing almost painfully against the floor of the bed. He looked over his shoulder at Hunter who was staring at him, wide-eyed.

  “We don’t have to,” Casey started to say.

  Hunter leaned over him and pressed his lips against Casey’s shoulder before fiercely whispering, “If we don’t, I might explode.”

  Casey smiled. “Good. Now, just let your instincts guide you.”

  With the sleeping bag around them, it took some manoeuvring, but finally Hunter settled over Casey, his lower half between Casey’s spread legs, his cock resting against the crack of Casey’s ass, his arms on either side of Casey’s shoulders.

  “What’s wrong?” Casey could feel Hunter hesitating.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Casey planted a kiss on Hunter’s forearm. “You won’t.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure that if you don’t fuck me, I’m going to explode.”

  A moment later, he felt the familiar nudge against his entrance and relaxed his body. A moment later, Hunter pushed forward, his full, impressive length sinking into Casey in one smooth motion. Casey cried out, his body shaking with the familiar mix of burn and pleasure. Hunter froze.

  “Fuck me,” Casey gasped out the words, knowing Hunter was afraid he was hurt. “Please, baby. Please.”

  Hunter made a strangled sound, whether in response to Casey’s words or to the tight heat surrounding him. Casey didn’t know, but all that mattered was that Hunter began to move. His thrusts were slow and deep, showing far more restraint than Casey had expected. He began to raise his hips, pushing back against Hunter and driving him even deeper. Casey reached beneath him, taking his own swollen cock in hand. He began to stroke himself in time with Hunter’s thrusts, working himself towards the edge.

  Hunter’s breath was hot against Casey’s ear, his moans making Casey harder than he’d ever thought possible. Then Hunter dropped his head and scraped his teeth over Casey’s shoulder.

  Casey cried out Hunter’s name as he came, spilling over his hand even as he felt Hunter’s hips jerk against his ass. With Casey’s name on his lips, Hunter drove forward, emptying himself into Casey.

  Hunter curled his body around Casey’s as he rolled them onto their sides, keeping their bodies joined together. He held Casey tight against his chest and kissed the side of Casey’s neck. As their breathing slowed, Hunter whispered into Casey’s ear. “Go to sleep. It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

  _________ o _________


  Casey could have stayed by Hunter’s side forever. When the sun rose, Casey pried his eyes open just as Hunter pulled him tighter, closer; so close he could feel the other man’s hard morning cock in between his cheeks. He snuggled back against the broad chest, reveling in the steady beat of Hunter’s heart against his back.

  “Mine,” Hunter said, his voice still thick with sleep. “You’re not going anywhere. Not now, not ever.”

  Casey took Hunter’s hand and put it against his chest, letting the other man feel his heartbeat. “Mine?” He made the word a question, still afraid to hope that this was real.

  “Yours,” Hunter agreed. He pressed his lips against the hollow just under Casey’s ear. “Now, what do you say, since it’s warmer, we open up this sleeping bag so we can get a good look at each other and you can show me some more. I think I might need some persuading to put the spare on.”

  Casey’s usual morning erection got even harder. He started to roll over and Hunter rolled too, taking Casey with him so that Casey was lying on top of the bigger man.

  “I mean it, Casey,” Hunter said. “I don’t want you leaving me.”

  Casey smiled and ran his fingers through Hunter’s hair. “Let’s take a couple hours here since there’s no chance of our phones interrupting us; then you teach me how to change a tire and we go home.”

  “Home.” Hunter raised Casey’s hand and kissed his palm. “I like the sound of tha

  “Me too,” Casey said.

  “And maybe you can call your mom,” Hunter said, brushing some of Casey’s hair out of his eyes. “Invite her over so I can meet her.”

  Casey waited for the panic, but none came. He nodded. “I’d like that very much. I can tell her everything, including how amazing you were to take me in when I had nothing. How you opened your home to me.”

  Hunter shook his head. “Not my home, Casey,” he said firmly. “Our home. Always ours.”

  As he lowered his head to kiss Hunter, he thought that this was what home truly was. It wasn’t a building, a place: it was a person. Hunter was his home.


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  Other Recommended Books by Jamie Lake

  Boyfriend for Rent

  Click here to find out what happens next



  Chris knew he shouldn’t be doing it, but he couldn’t help himself.

  He held his breath as thick soap slid from the man’s tanned, muscular shoulders to delve between his ample bubble butt and swirled down the drain below.

  Just moments before, Chris had been drinking coffee with his assistant and friend Jessica in the cool morning Costa Rican air. She had gotten up to take a phone call, and Chris was left to peer around his new neighborhood from his third-floor balcony; he never expected to end up spying on what had to be one of the hottest naked men in all of Costa Rica.

  Even the hot steam coming from the shower couldn’t shield his perfectly sculpted torso and every bronzed knob of his abs. The distance did nothing to diminish the size and shape of his behemoth tool and full lips.

  Chris licked his lips as the man, whoever he was, soaped up his armpit, his square pecs, and his thick, sexy neck. He had shaggy light brown hair that clung wetly to his shoulders and over his ears.