Bad Boy 5 Read online

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  “Why? What’s wrong?” Peter asked, standing up. Again, that all too familiar feeling of his stomach sinking and his heart skipping a beat, made Peter dizzy and sick. He was so tired of this.

  Chip covered one of his ears so that he could hear the phone better and flipped through the channels again, that’s when he saw it, that’s when they both saw it, Chip was on the news. It was him, clear as day, telling the photographers to fuck off. Peter shook his head and turned away from the TV. He was ruining Chip’s life. It was all his fault. His mistakes were horrible, hungry ghosts that haunted him and devoured everything that was good in his life. If only he could think of a way to make everything alright again. Like Chip said, it would all blow over someday, and probably someday soon, but he’d never teach again. Chip could be fired. Johnny would be teased. It was all just too much to bear, to think about.

  Jesus Christ, could it get any worse?

  “Uh, yeah… yeah, I see it. I know, I know that sir, but … sir … sir, can we at least talk about this? Okay, yeah.”

  He hung up, took a deep breath and shook his head, running a hand through his hair.

  “Who was it?” Peter asked, not really wanting to hear any more bad news. His entire body was tense.

  “My boss, actually.” Chip said, sounding calm in an almost defeatist tone.

  “What’d he say?” Peter asked, swallowing -- his throat dry. He asked, but he didn’t really want to know the answer, already he was drowning in so much guilt.

  “Said, I ought to get a good lawyer cause ... there is likely going to be an investigation into me and my association with you and …”

  “Oh, my god!” Peter said, cutting him off.

  “And … I’m suspended until further notice. Which basically means, I am fired.”

  “Oh, my God, Chip … I … I don’t know what to say.”

  “No, what can you say? I mean ... I knew what I was doing. There’s no one to blame and I -”

  “Can I -- is there anything I can do? I could-” Peter started to say, scrambling to think of what to do next. There was only one thing he could think of that would help and that would require him calling his father, one of the biggest attorneys in the country, and asking for help. The very idea made him queasy.

  “No, I … I think I’m going to lie down for a bit. Would you mind watching the movie with Johnny for me?” he said, shuffling away. He looked as though all the fire and fight had been drained out of him. He looked torn and sad, so very sad. It killed Peter, broke his heart.

  “Are you sure I--?” Peter started to say.

  “Please, just … please,” Chip said, stopping to look at him before shuffling in his room and shutting the door.

  Peter sank onto the couch as his mind drifted. Various scenarios went through his mind, things he could do or say. Maybe he could talk to Chip’s boss, but no, that was a dumb idea. He should have never crossed Tony. He should have never taken the easy way out. He should have quit his teaching job and got a legitimate job that paid the bills. Something that wouldn’t ruin his reputation and ruin the life of the man he loved. But should have, could have, would have. It was all too late for that now. Again, he thought he was being selfish. If he really loved Chip, he’d leave. He’d run far away from this mess and start over and let Chip start over too. Chip’s heart would be broken, he’d be angry, maybe for years even but eventually, he’d heel. And though it broke his heart to think about it, eventually Chip was too good of a guy for someone to not eventually bag him, someone more worthy. Chip deserved only the best. Not some damaged man with a ruined reputation.

  “Peter, I think the popcorn’s ready,” Johnny called from the kitchen. Peter woke up from his thoughts, quickly changing the channel so that Johnny wouldn’t see all the news coverage.

  “No problem,” Peter called out, slapping his thighs as he got up and met Johnny in the kitchen. He looked down at the little boy, his smile so wide. He was so happy, but how long would that last? How long would it take before Johnny knew what Peter had done too?

  Now, both Peter and Chip were without a job. How were they even going to pay the bills?

  This had just gone from bad to worse.


  Peter climbed into bed that night after he put Johnny to sleep for Chip. He’d stayed in his bed, his back facing Peter as he entered, curled in a ball. Peter felt rotten, he’d been robbed of not just his job but his career and he knew that Chip’s only real chance of salvation was separating himself from him. And though Peter hated the thought of it, he knew Chip wouldn’t go for it. Try as he may to break up with him, Chip never accepted it. It wasn’t that he wanted to leave Chip. The very thought of it broke his heart. No, it was that he loved Chip and all he wanted was what was best for him. And Peter knew what was best. It was just best that he was far away from Chip as possible. He knew, however, that Chip would just hunt him down and that would likely make things that much worse. He felt so trapped, so helpless. Things just broke down and burned all around him and he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to stop it.

  Peter was going to give Chip a kiss goodnight but didn’t want to wake him so instead, he reached over to turn off the lamp on the night stand.

  “Hey,” Chip grumbled, “You all right?” His voice was rough from sleep or upset, Peter couldn’t tell.

  “Yeah, I guess,” Peter answered. “Chip, I just want to say I’m sorry.” He hated how lame that sounded. Yes, he was sorry, but it went beyond that. He didn’t apologize for Chip. No, he apologized to make himself feel better. It didn’t work, however and his shoulders stooped in defeat.

  “Let’s not talk about it, okay. Things will work themselves out somehow.” Chip’s voice was flat. He didn’t sound so sure anymore.

  “I just want to … I’ve been thinking about things and-” Peter started to say, taking a deep breath before he continued. He needed to talk some sense into Chip. But the other man was so damned stubborn.

  “No, we are not breaking up. Don’t even think about it,” Chip said, a little of that commanding fire back in his tone. It warmed Peter’s heart, even as it frustrated him.

  Peter smiled. He knew him too well. He shook his head and put a hand on Chip’s shoulder, giving it an affectionate squeeze.

  “I’m in this for a long haul. Families go through ups and downs but they don’t break up,” Chip said, his grumbling voice echoing off the walls.

  He pulled Peter closer. How could he be so wonderful to him after all they’d been through together, after all the drama that Peter’s life had brought on his? Peter hadn’t had a lot of luck lately, but maybe this would make up for it all. He’d found true love, his soulmate. How many people could even say that? Maybe Chip was right. Maybe they really could get through this. The little bit of hope shone through the mire of his dreadful situation and Peter breathed a heavy, long sigh of relief.

  “There is something else I’ve been thinking about and I wanted to discuss it with you,” Peter said. He huffed out another big sigh. Every word seemed hard to get out lately. All the talks they had were difficult and painful lately.

  “What’s that?” Chip asked.

  “It’s obvious I’m never going to get another job teaching again in Las Vegas, even if somehow my name was cleared, I’ll always have this stigma attached to me. If not from the school system, definitely from the parents and so … I’ve been thinking … Maybe I should go somewhere else.” Peter let Chip hold him close. It soothed him, made all of this easier to take.

  “What?” Chip asked sitting up.

  “I mean, with you … if you’ll come with me. I know it’s a lot to ask. Uprooting your whole life. You’ve already done so much for me. It’s just-”

  “I’ll do it,” Chip said flatly. He didn’t even take the time to think about it.

  “What?” Peter answered in shock. “But you haven’t even heard where or what I have planned.” He was incredulous. He’d felt awful even suggesting it and here Chip was, ready to pac
k up his entire life, uproot his son, just for him. It was overwhelming and tears stung Peter’s eyes.

  “I don’t care. Wherever you go, I’ll go. I don’t care if it’s freaking the middle of the African desert. You belong to me now. We’re a family.” Chip answered looking at Peter with all sincerity.

  Peter smiled. “Really?” And for the first time since all this had started, he felt okay. He felt better. He believed Chip. Things would be okay because they’d stick together. He felt guilt bite at him all the same. He should have never suggested that they break up. He knew that it hurt Chip badly every time he brought it up.

  “Really,” Chip smiled back. “Johnny’s young, if we’re going to move, it might as well be now so he can adapt. I might know some great contacts in North Carolina actually and-”

  He’d never met someone so loyal and supportive and dedicated in his life, someone who said they’d be there for you through thick and thin that actually meant it. Peter couldn’t help himself, he had to kiss Chip.

  It was a passionate kiss, full of longing and all the words Peter had a hard time saying. He poured his love and gratitude into that kiss. It wasn’t gentle, but then, it wasn’t rough either. It was fiery and passionate. Peter cupped Chip’s face in his hands and slid his tongue in his mouth, forcing his lips open so that he could taste him.

  And now, he wanted to show Chip just how grateful he was, he sat on top of him, feeling his semi-hard cock beneath him. Peter’s own cock responded to the kissing and touching immediately. He was erect and aching, his heart pounding, racing. He ran his hands down Chip’s strong, hard chest, felt his muscles with the tips of his fingers. Tonight, he thought, was all about Chip. Chip’s pleasure. He would show him how he felt with his body.

  “What are you doing?” Chip rumbled, a soft, wry smile curling his sexy lips.

  “I just want to thank you,” Peter purred suggestively.

  “Is that how you thank me?” Chip asked, arching his hips upwards, letting Peter feel how hard he was making him. He bit back a moan, his teeth biting down on the plump of his bottom lip. His eyes fluttered shut and he rocked his hips against Chip.

  “In my own special way,” Peter smiled, looping his tongue around his lips hungrily. All he wanted to do was please Chip, show him how much he loved him, how thankful he was for all that love and support. He wanted to make him moan and cum.

  “Ooh, I like that,”Chip said, settling his hands on Peter’s narrow hips.

  Chip was usually the one in control in the bedroom, and while Peter adored being the submissive one, it wasn’t going to go down that way this time. Peter was in control and Chip would just have to lay back and enjoy the ride.

  Chip was already trying to flip Peter onto his back, but Peter clamped his legs around his thighs and shook his head. “Not this time, baby,” he murmured, grinding his pelvis against Chip’s, making the other man gasp and moan under him. “Tonight? I’m in control.” He smirked down at Chip’s surprised expression.

  Sliding down Chip’s firm, toned body, he slid his boxers off as he went. Peter stripped them down to his knees and settled in between Chip’s thighs. With his palms, he pushed his legs apart as Chip kicked off his boxers. Peter licked his lips at the sight before him. Chip’s cock was long and thick, so hard it rested against his stomach. The tip was beaded with precum and Peter just couldn’t resist. He lowered his head and lapped at the tip, tasting him.

  The musky, slightly salty taste drove him wild. He sank down on that fat cock, opening wide and taking him all at once between his lips. He suckled and massaged his tongue over the hard prick, his hand slid up to cup Chip’s balls and he gently rolled them in his palm, massaging and squeezing them ever so slightly.

  Chip hissed through his teeth and fisted a hand in Peter’s hair.

  “Fuck,” he groaned loudly, bucking his hips upwards. Peter gagged a little when the head of Chip’s cock hit the back of his throat and Peter knew how good that must feel, the sensation of his throat squeezing around Chip’s dick tightly.

  He continued to suck, bobbing his head over Chip’s groin. The sounds were lewd, sucking and slurping. He got his cock nice and wet, drooling his saliva all over Chip’s thick meat. He wanted to feel him inside, wanted to ride his big, fat cock. Though he loved pleasing Chip this way, they both needed more than just oral tonight.

  Peter slid him out of his mouth with a slick pop and then straddled his thighs. Slowly, ever so slowly, he sunk down on Chip’s dick. Chip’s wet cock eased into his tight hole, filling him up. Peter bit down on his bottom lip again to keep from crying out too loudly. He’d hate to wake Johnny after he’d just got him to go to sleep. Chip’s hands clamped down on his hips and he roughly pushed Peter down all the way until he was hilted inside.

  Groaning in pleasure, Peter let himself adjust to Chip’s massive girth. He felt deliciously filled and stretched and his cock twitched and throbbed, drooling precum down the underside of his shaft. Slowly, he started rocking his hips, circling them, stretching himself even further. Chip was so deep, so fucking deep and it hit all the right places inside him. Moaning, he upped the pace, moving over Chip, sliding his cock in and out of his tight ass. He raked his nails up Chip’s chest, thumbing his hard nipples.

  “Yeah, baby,” Chip groaned. “Just like that.” His fingers bit into the flesh of Peter’s hips. He pulled and pushed, making Peter go faster, making him ride that cock like a pro.

  One hand left Peter’s hip to curl around his weeping cock. Chip began to pump him as Peter swiftly rode his cock. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as well as Chip’s masculine, musky scent as both of them were slick with sweat.

  Unable to hold back, Peter came, spurting hot, white cream all over Chip’s hand and stomach, shooting as far as Chip’s chest and neck. As he came, his cock throbbing wildly, he leaned over Chip so he could fuck up into his ass even harder and faster. He leaned over Chip and licked up the mess he’d made on his chest.

  “Need to feel you cum,” Peter breathed.

  Chip, though he clearly wasn’t used to being commanded, couldn’t seem to resist the tight squeeze of Peter’s pert ass. He came with a loud, rumbling cry. Peter could feel his cock spasm and shoot cum inside him, filling and warming his insides. It felt so good, so perfect. Peter dipped back down again and kissed Chip, the taste of his cum enhancing the press of their lips.

  “I love you,” Peter whispered against Chip’s mouth.

  “I love you too, Peter. Forever and always. No matter what, baby,” Chip purred.


  “Morning,” Peter said, attempting to cook some eggs. It wasn’t going so well. He didn’t know how Chip did it. But he always managed to cook up fabulous meals while making it look easy enough for his five-year-old to do.

  Chip wrinkled his nose at the burned scent as he stumbled into the kitchen, wrapping himself with his bathrobe. The kitchen was smoky and the smell was unpleasant and acrid.

  “Morning, what’s up?” he said, looking over at Johnny who was playing with his toys on the kitchen table. Peter had helped Johnny get ready for the day and his hair was combed and he wore his nice clothes, shoes and socks and everything.

  “Cooking,” Peter said as he broadly smiled. He knew he wasn’t the greatest cook in the world, not by a long shot, but he only wanted to show his gratitude and that he was capable of something.

  Chip had done so much for him and now planned to uproot his entire life to follow Peter. Making breakfast and getting Johnny ready for the day was the least he could do for his beautiful, wonderful new family.

  “Cooking? Oh, is that what that is …?” Chip teased, leaning over to smell it, looking at the scorched eggs in the pan dubiously.

  Peter glared at him and spanked him on the ass. The sound made a loud ‘crack’! “Hmph,” Peter groused, though he was only playing.

  “Ow!” Chip laughed, grabbing a piece of egg and popping it in his mouth with a wink. “Well, it tastes delicious.” Peter
knew Chip was lying, but that was all right. He appreciated the deception.

  “Nice,” Peter said, plopping the makeshift egg in the plate. He knew he’d put a little bit too much grease in the pan and hoped to drain some of it with a napkin when Chip wasn’t looking. It made an oily, slick spill on the plate.

  Bleck, he thought. Maybe he ought to take a cooking class or something.

  “You hungry, Johnny?” Peter asked, opening the refrigerator and looking for some whole grain bread. “How about some French toast?” He hoped Johnny said “no”. He had no idea how to make French toast, really.

  “I don’t want French toast,” Johnny said, squirming in his seat, wrinkling his nose.“I want cocoa puffs.”

  “Well, we don’t have any of those, it looks like,” Peter said, rummaging through the cabinets, “How about something healthier like a smoothie.” That, he could do.

  You just throw some stuff in a blender and viola! Right? Right.

  “I don’t like smoothies. Smoothies are yucky,” Johnny declared. Peter sighed and turned to look at Johnny. Kids being picky eaters, he thought with a crooked grin. He knew this from being a kindergarten teacher for so long.

  “Now, son, when someone is cooking you breakfast, what do you say?” Chip scolded, sitting next to him.

  “Thank you?” Johnny said reluctantly, his brow furrowed comically.

  “That’s right,” Chip said, brushing off some food left over on the tablecloth.

  “But what if it doesn’t taste so good?” Johnny asked, peering at the mess on Chip’s plate as though he were looking at a bunch of wriggling, slimy worms.

  “Johnny!” Chip said, his tone scolding while he tried not to laugh.

  Peter turned off the stove, he could take a hint, “Tell you what, why don’t we all go out for pancakes at IHop?”